I’ve known people who have climbed a mountain or run a marathon for their 50th birthdays.  I can’t do heights, my lungs can’t do altitude and  I never liked running, so when my back stopped me from running, it was kind of a relief!  So, my personal “mountain climb/marathon” will be across Missouri, on a bike.

NOT me!

My husband got me started cycling about five years ago.   I really only started it to appease him when he said I should try it instead of running.  Now I’ve got the bug.

We’ve spent this summer training, taking longer and longer rides.  I got a touring bike like my husband’s, the Surly LongHaul Trucker.  It’s so much better than a road bike for distances! As an added bonus, it uses wider, sturdier tires than my road bike, which will be safer for the surface of the trail we’ll be on, which is crushed stone.

We’re riding from west to east on the Katy Trail.  It’s a converted rail line and is unique in that we can cross the state without having to take roads.  We’ll be going from Clinton to St. Charles over the course of a week.

Stay tuned for the launch date, September 20th!